How we got started...

It all started in
2017, when a friend of Gina’s was suffering from severe psoriasis. Nothing
seemed to be helping. Over the counter creams didn’t even begin to help, and
the creams and medications the Doctor’s were prescribing were full of steroids
and other harmful chemicals that were causing more harm than good.

Gina began
researching. She found natural, organic oils and butters that helped her friend
tremendously and begin experimenting with different ways of making handmade bath
and body products that helped with her friend’s condition.

During the
process of trying to help her friend, Gina found that she had a passion and
skill for designing and making soaps. She began making artisan soap bars for
friends and family for gifts, and was surprised when they came back asking for

She decided to
take a leap of faith and launch her new soaping business in hopes of helping
others. Customers love her creations.

Today, Gina’s
business has relaunched into Pulse Soaps, LLC. The company has become a true
gift to the world. Producing high-quality, luxury products with the ultimate
care and truly from the heart. Gina also helps coach upcoming soapers launch
their businesses and guides them through the process of running successful
businesses themselves. In the future, Gina hopes to empower others to follow
their dreams. Like Gina always says, “You already have the power within you to
make your dreams come true, UNLEASH IT!”